TAAG Maiden Students’ Conference: from a flip-chart to THE real event

TAAG conference logoIn a previous blog, we introduced the upcoming student conference to be organized by TAAG. The uniqueness of the conference is that it has been planned and organized by the TBA African alumni (Thus the name TAAG for TBA African Alumni Group). The organization of this student conference in Africa was at the centre of the formation of the group in 2011, following a TBA workshop in Amani Nature Reserve in Tanzania. Two years later the TAAG dream has come true with the conference being launched on the 2nd of July 2013 at the National Museums of Kenya. The theme of the three day conference is “Biodiversity in Africa – Present State, Challenges and Prospects for its Conservation” with delegates and participants coming from 11 countries. As the conference is closing up today (4 July 2013), we will update you with the outcome of the full conference but let’s start this series of blog on TAAG and the conference with the beginning.

On 21 June 2011, on the last day of the TBA workshop the participants met to kick-off the start of the conference planning. Roles were assigned, ideas were shared and the first draft of the conference plan was created on.. a flipchart.


The group has moved a long way since then from the picture above to the very first student conference by TBA alumni students.

Please watch the space for further posts on TAAG and the conference



Fabiola Monty

Kibale 2010/2

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